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Thoughts on Technology

Technology. Is it bad or is it good? In my opinion nothing really is all bad or all good. I think technology effects everyone differently and could be good for one person and bad for another. The impact it has had on everyone if different. I think my relationship with technology is starting to reach the unhealthy side of it, especially during this pandemic. I grew up with such advanced technology that I cannot image life any other way. I for sure take it for granted. I spend so much time online through social media and just browsing the internet. I do not go a day without checking all my social media accounts. During this pandemic I rely on it for my entertainment. I think there are many people that do the same and it’s because it makes life easier. We are always looking for ways to make things easier. Technology has definitely made our lives easier.  I was reading an article about the impacts’ technology has and it talked about how it has started making us lazy. I think that is

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